Was OJ Simpson really innocent?

               On June 14th, 1994 the bodies of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald L Goldman were found viciously murdered outside Nicole’s murder. Around 12:15 Nicole’s dog had led neighbors to the crime scene, when the bodies were discovered. Neighbors called the police immediately the police, when police arrived the only evidence found was a blood-stained glove, a knitted hat and blood-stained footprint. The primary suspect was Mr. OJ Simpson, Nicole’s ex-husband, the police arrived to OJ’s house a few hours later, to find out he was on a red-eye to Chicago. After Landing in Chicago Simpson received a phone call about his wife’s death and the first thing OJ says is: “Who killed her?”. After a long trial, and with an abundance of evidence pointing to Simpson’s involvement, the Jury found Simpson innocent.   While the majority of America disapproves of the jury’s ruling, there are many theorist and members of the African American community who agree with the ruling. Why do these individuals believe OJ was innocent? Well, these individuals believe that Mr. Simpson was framed by form LAPD Detective Mark Fuhrman. These individuals believe that Fuhrman is a racist and placed evidence to make OJ appear guilty. Why do these individuals believe Fuhrman is a racist? Well, throughout the trials tables had turn and Detective Fuhrman was called to the stand.

As mentioned prior Mark Fuhrman came under attack. Why was the Detective under attack? Well, according to evidence provided by Mr. Bailey (Simpson’s lawyer) Fuhrman was raciest and had a tendency to place evidence to make men of African American who are dating white women appear guilty. So, Mark Fuhrman was asked to take the stand to prove his innocence. While at the stand, Fuhrman was asked a series of questions relating to previous usage of a racial slur, used when referring to African American people (the N word).  When Fuhrman was asked multiple times in several different ways, he continuously denied using the “n word” when referencing any African American. Well, after continuous denial Mr. Bailey (Simpson’s lawyer) provided the court with video footage (which is provided below) of the Detective using the “n word” when referencing an African American male. This made the Detective appear racist to the Jury. The next fault within the case came from, when Fuhrman was asked questions regarding his ethical police duties. This may come as no surprise but, as a police officer you are to be honest with all findings and reports. However, when Fuhrman was asked at the stand questions regarding the following: tampering with evidence, providing false evidence, and conducting false police reports Fuhrman chose to use his 5th Amendment right (which protects and allows him to not self-incriminate himself). When Fuhrman opted out of answering the questions regarding evidence and police report, the whole trial took a turn. The jury at the, was no longer able to convict Mr. Simpson with 100% certainty in the murder of his ex-wife. It eventually ended up the Fuhrman was the only individual who was charged in the case and that was for tampering with evidence. So, theories believe, that this is just one of the countless cases that the black man/woman are framed to look guilty to allow the white man to succeed.
Here is the link for Fuhrman’s testimonies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofooQr-bUMU
  Works cited
Flynn, Caitlin. "Did Fuhrman Plant Evidence In The Simpson Case?" Bustle. March 29, 2016. Accessed April 19, 2018. https://www.bustle.com/articles/150655-did-mark-fuhrman-plant-evidence-in-the-oj-simpson-case-he-evoked-the-fifth-amendment-in.


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