Does the FDA have the Cure to Cancer?

Cancer is a terrible illness that kills millions of people each year. In fact, nearly 7.6 million people die of cancer worldwide and In the United State about 1.7 million lose the battle of cancer every year. It is claimed that there are no, cure to this deadly disease that kills millions each year. However, it is claimed by many theorists that this is a false statement and that there is a cure to cancer that the government is withholding.  Why would the United States Government withhold the cure of an illness that kills millions every year?
 According to, theorist Michael Higgins: “the conspiracies began in 1964, when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) spent millions of dollars to stop an alternative cancer treatment which had cured hundred if not thousands of cancer patients.” Why would the Food and Drug Administration, spend millions of tax dollars to stop the production of the cancer cure? The answer is simple, money. In the year 2015 nearly $107 billion dollars was spent globally on cancer treatment, and it is projected by the year 2020 that number will increase to $150 billion dollars. Here in the United State between 1990-2009 there was $125 billion dollars spent on cancer treatment. So, when the government spent a few million dollars they were saving themselves billions of dollars. By stopping the production of the cure, the government ensured the millions of doctors nationwide in practice, which would also help the economy. If the cure was released and the demand for doctors plummeted the economy would also be negatively impacted, which give political figures a higher disapproval rating.  Why else is this theory believable to so many theorists? The answer is the development of science and technology. In the past 15 years science has created cure for illnesses, disabilities, infections, and diseases. However, there has not been a cure for the big business of cancer? While there have been advances in cancer treatments, theorists believe there has been cures developed but kept from the American people.
One would like to think the government wouldn’t keep such a lifesaving treatment of the American people. However, the government does have motives to keep the cure secret. Do you think the benefits of withholding the cure are great enough to keep the cure from the United States and the world?
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