Was Clinton Framed?

In the 1990’s one of the greatest scandals in American history, unfolded from the White House. The scandal was an affair which involved President Bill Clinton, and twenty-two-year-old, White-House intern Monica Lewinsky. The majority of America was convinced that this affair did in fact happened and it was consensual among both partisans. This would eventually lead to a nationalized press-conference held by the President, where the infamous “I did not have sexual relations with the woman” speech was given.   However, there were some theorists along with the First Lady, Hillary Clinton believe that her husband had been framed. One might ask oneself, how would anyone other than Clinton and Lewinsky benefit from a sex scandal?

It is claimed by many members of the Democratic Party that members of the Republican party had  framed Clinton in order to appear guilty to the American people in order to defame him. Why would this defame Clinton? Well, there have been several claims and some proven affairs with women other than Lewinsky. By releasing this to the American it would illustrate that: “If Clinton can’t be faithful to his wife, how can one expect him to be faithful to the American people.” This would create a distrust in the Democratic Party as a whole, which would then strengthen the opposing Republican party.  The first lady, even believe that her husband had been famed by the right-winged group, which is illustrated in the following quote from an interview with Hillary and Matt Lauer: “The great story here for any anyone willing to find it and write about it is explain it is the vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the beginning of his presidential campaign.” For this quote that it is evident that Hillary Clinton believed her husband did not engage with sexual relations with Ms. Lewinsky, but instead framed by the Right-Winged party in order to strengthen and benefit the Republican party as a hole.  

There are many question that surround this 1990’s scandal, will there ever be 100% certainty as to what happened? While there are many pieces of evidence that prove a consensual relationship between Clinton and Lewinsky, the American people will never know what happened behind the closed Oval Office door.
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