Bush Lied about the Weapons of Mass Destruction

           In the wake of September 11th, 2001, almost every American supported Bush’s war on terror, and had no problem with him invading both Afghanistan, where bin Laden was thought to be hiding, and Iraq, led by one of the most sadistic leaders in 20thCentury history, Saddam Hussein.
          Saddam Hussein was the man Bush’s father, George H. W. Bush, did not remove from power at the end of the First Gulf War.  Top military advisors thought George H.W. Bush should have killed Hussein within a month of winning the war.  Bush made the decision not to do this because he was afraid that it might further destroy any good relations we had with the Middle East and he also didn’t want American to be seen as merciless and vengeful like Saddam Hussein was.
         Saddam Hussein remained alive and well and tried to rally what was left of his country.  He even claimed that Iraq had won the war.  He stated that he now has an even stronger grip on the weak nation and started issuing multiple, worldwide death threats against George H.W. Bush. 
         Once George W. Bush, Jr. took office the theory was that he was always looking for any reason or opportunity to get revenge on Saddam Hussein for the death threats made against his father.  Anything Iraq did would be considered an excuse for declaring war on Iraq.  Then 9/11 happened and this was more than sufficient to do just that. Even though Hussein had nothing to do with the 9/11 terrorist attack, the world was enraged because 92 countries lost citizens in the World Trade Center.  So Bush was declaring war on Iraq and his reason was that they possessed chemical weapons of mass destruction and they were intended for Israel, and possibly America.
        Apparently, no such weapons were ever discovered.  A theory that Hussein simply shipped them all too friendly Syria in advance of the impending invasion is still circulating.  Whatever the truth may be, theorists are claiming that Bush had no idea before the attack if Hussein had any weapons of mass destruction and he really didn’t care.  Instead, the real reason for the attack on Iraq was to make Hussein pay for the death threats to his father.  I have to say, I probably would have done the same thing!
                                                                 Works Cited
"10 More Fairly Recent Conspiracy Theories." Listverse, 20 June 2014, listverse.com/2013/04/10/10-more-fairly-recent-conspiracy-theories/.


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