Aurora Movie Theater Shooting

On a website with the domain of a user by the name of "mark1955" states with evidence that the Obama administration was behind the shooting. The main idea coming from the thought that the Obama administration wanted to restrict guns in America and leave the citizens defenseless. The shooting at the Aurora Colorado movie theater committed by James Holmes during the screening of Batman supposedly happened a week before Obama was to sign the UN gun ban treaty The user "mark1955" continues to say that this event and other events that occurred around the same time are all connected in hopes that the American people will fear for their lives when it comes to guns and the Obama administration will be in good company when ridding of the America's "God given" second amendment.
The user experienced tons of backlash for his theory and his "by any means necessary" ideology put forth by the Obama administration but there was some grace as a man by the name of Mike Adams; an editor for natural has similar views in the matter but rather than naming the administration he vaguely tosses around the idea that James had to have some type of government training. The details don't add up to Adam and he reaches the conclusion that Holmes was trained by the government to commit this act and use the fear of these events to "take away our guns."


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