Comic Book Burnings?

Throughout history there has been many different time periods where people have burned books. But why during the Cold War was there comic book burnings? During the 1950’s there was new type of comic book, one that went above and beyond with the weird stuff. No longer was there comic books like Superman or Captain America, but now there is raunchy comics that parents did not want their kids to read. There comics were also in the back of most of the stores. For children they wanted to buy them for the thrill of being able to buy something to be cool. For their parents it was af if they had that in possession that they were going to turn into Communist. It was as the kids were rebelling against their parents. Parents did not feel comfortable with these comics because of they had some nature things throughout the comics. With the parents feeling not in control, they set out to do book burnings. One can argue as a parent that they did not want their child to get brainwashed into thinking some things that were in the comic books were right, or getting brainwashed into turning into a Communist. But could this really happen? Could a child really read one ten cent comic book and turn into a Communist, or get brainwashed?

Throughout time one can also see how there has always been a child and parent class through something, whether if that is music, television, sports, or comics. But could these things really turn someone into being a Communist or believing in something that one's parents do not want you to believe in? Well you be the judge on that one and let me know what you think!  


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