The Plot Twist of Sandy Hook

Sandy Hook School Shooting

        On December 14th, 2012, the seventh largest school shooting occurred. Sandy Hook is an elementary school, located in Newtown, Connecticut. During this day, 20 students, ages ranging from 6-7 years old, were left lifeless, while 6 staff members were also killed.

The Shooter
        Adam Lanza (20) was the man who was found guilty of taking the life's of this children and staff members, as well as his mothers and his own life. Lanza lived a very mysterious life, one that spent many days alone at home. He was very into video games, especially video games like Call of Duty, and other shooting games. Lanza was a very smart young man, so smart that at one point in his life he actually got in trouble with the government for hacking into a government website. Not only did Lanza get past the first level of security, but he made it to the last level before anyone in the government knew about it. Other facts about Lanza, is that his parents were separated, this could cause some other harm to his mental state. He had very few friends, no one super close that he could talk to, to vent to someone about life. It is reported after the fact, that Lanza in 5th grade made a diary, and in this diary had a story of a young man who would kill children, but before would kill his mom. At this point in time they neglected it, thinking that kids were just being kids. Lastly it was reported that Lanza was caught with child pornography, but there is not hard evidence to back this claim up.

The Conspiracy
   One of the hottest subjects in the United States at this point in time was gun control, and why there needs to be limits on it. President Barrack Obama ran a good campaign during the 2012 election year, with one of his main issues supporting the limits of gun control. During this school shooting, main media outlets would run stories saying one thing, and another news outlet would say differently.

     Was this school shooting all apart of a elaborate theme to get rid of guns in the United States, or was this just a tragic shooting that just happened to occur right after Obama addressed it in his 2012 campaign?

    Check out what Alex Jones has to say about this "Here", and after leave comments to see what is your take on this matter.

- Jesse Smallwood.


  1. I have seen online conspiracy theories before about the actors that get shown in the viral images after these shootings. The ones like the grieving mother screaming. Some people believe this to be part of the conspiracy of the shootings being a set up. If they use trauma actors in situations like these does it help or restrict the development on conspiracies?

  2. I have previous knowledge about this subject from when it happened, but I never thought about the shooting taking place because Obama had addressed it in his campaign. I believe that this young man, at the age of 20, had personal grudges and problems rather than being heavily involved in politics enough to go through with the Sandy Hook shooting. I can see why people may think that the campaign and shooting are connected, but personally I do not believe that theory.

  3. I agree with Sara above, that Lanza had personal issues at at hand rather than being a part of politics. The only issue I see with this, if being politics related, if this was set up to make citizens think twice about gun laws, why were no views changed when Trump ran for president? Gun laws have not been, nor does it seem that any one wants them to be put in place. So can we truly amount this to be politics related? As far as the conspiracy relating to the video of the father laughing, I believe that every individual has their own way of coping. It is hard to understand the emotion of any parent who has lost their child, unless previous experiences prove otherwise. I personally believe that this was a tragic event from a young adult who had mental issues at the time.

  4. Very interesting Savannah, but I think it was still a ruse. Snopes discusses this in part 13 at the following link. Apparently those Facebook pages were created for different events and then had been renamed for the Sandy Hook shooting (so the original comments where people were saying they were sad were probably about different events). I didn’t see anything about the car accident you mentioned though.


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