The Grand Grimoire

The Grand Grimoire, also known as the Red Dragon or the Gospel of Satan, is considered one of the most mysterious and misunderstood manuscripts to have been written and still exist. The Roman Catholic Church has ownership of this book, but no one outside of the church has ever had access to it. The original date this manual was written is unknown, but there is an estimation that it was around 1522 AD. Some theorists believe the true original is from 1200s AD or earlier.

The earliest known proof of the book is from the writings of the Honorius of Thebes, known as the “Sworn Book of Honorius.” It is rumored that Honorius was possessed by Satan, or was even Satan himself, to write this book. Since Honorius was claimed to be Satan, this book is seen more as a manual of how to summon Satan at any time, or any supernatural beings such as angels and/or demons. People also say that the Grand Grimoire itself is supernatural due to the fact that it cannot be in any way damaged.  There is also a theory that suggests since the Catholic Church has possession of this book, every Pope starts out as a normal being, then becomes possessed by Satan once elected.
Jake Anderson wrote an article on the Grand Grimoire and claims:
"The book is said to contain proof of demonic evocation and occult spells as well as the process whereby newly elected popes are slowly won over by Satan's greatness." (
There is a film that discusses that Grand Grimoire and all of its mysteries; it is called “Warlock,” created in 1989.

Some further information on what the book contains:
What do we believe is real? If the Grand Grimoire is the “Gospel of Satan,” why would the Catholic Church want to have ownership of that? Why do we think they are hiding the writing from the public? Could this book truly summon Satan? Do we believe that an inanimate object can have this much power? Do we think that elected Popes could possibly get possessed by Satan? Leave any thoughts below.

Bianca Asheim


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