Slave Rebellion in the 1800’s plays a huge role in U.S. history. On August 30th, a man by the name of Gabriel Prosser was about to lead one of the biggest slave rebellion acts. In that year, Nat Turner was born. Him, also being one of the largest slave strikers that led a slave rebellion. While planning this event, it increased the white’s fear of the slave population in the South.

               Gabriel was a man who was deeply embedded in religion and was influenced strongly by the biblical scriptures and believed God had chosen him to lead slaves to their freedom. Gabriel was the son of an African-born mother, while he was the slave of Thomas H. Prosser. During the 1800’s, Gabriel’s plans of creating an independent black state in Virginia, with himself as the leader. His plan consisted of having an attack on Richmond, VA. There, taking guns, powder, and kill off all whites, except for Frenchmen, Methodists, and Quakers. While taking this action, Gabriel would have 1,000 slaves meet him across a river from Richmond. His plan was to split up into three groups and take things from the city in sections, like I said, guns, powder and other things that were needed.

               During the attack, Governor James Monroe was in office and was told what was going on. When hearing that, he called upon 650 soldiers to defend their city. A Youtube interview with Dr. Philip Schwarz, Emeritus Professor of History with VCU and author of Gabriel’s Conspiracy states that Gabriel’s intentions were to, “take over the capital, and the governors mansion. He did not succeed, but he came very close” (Library of Virginia). One of the questions Professor Schwarz has had in mind is, did they try to ransom the governor?
               Governor Monroe had informed the militia of Gabriel’s people. In that situation, 34 people and Gabriel were arrested and hung.
The Gabriel Prosser conspiracy has been thought of as one of the first biggest slave rebellion in the US.

-        Fabian Carlon


“Gabriel’s Conspiracy, Capitol, 1 of 9. YouTube, uploaded by LibraryofVa, April 5, 2013,   


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