Denmark Vesey Part 1 of 3

         The slave trade started as early as the 1500’s. Through the decades, changes and differing laws in regards to slavery were put into place. America in the early 1800’s varied some in which slavery was still very apparent. Those who owned slaves were able to be as harsh to their slaves as they wanted. This was because the slaves, although people, were considered to be their property still. However, there were freedmen who were able to buy their own freedom or have it granted to them by their master. An important freedman in the 1800’s was Denmark Vesey.

Vesey was sold into slavery in his teenage years to a ship captain who shortly after was stationed in Charleston, South Carolina. He did various jobs such was working on the ship and jobs related to typical house slave’s duties. Vesey bought his freedom after winning the lottery and went on the make a charitable profit for himself owning his own business as a carpenter. His life turned around and he was able to purchase land and eventually grew to be successful. At this time freedmen were able to do much more things than previous generations. Vesey was able to be a preacher (unordained) at an African Methodist church in South Carolina. This made him a very popular figure in the community. African- Americans and whites both knew him from church services, bring a public figure against slavery, and owning/operating a successful business.

Vesey may have stared the largest slave rebellion American had ever seen. In later posts well uncover the facts behind Vesey’s failed slave rebellion. Was his trial fair or unfair? Did he deserve to be executed?

Stay Tuned!


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